Difficult clients are a drain on your resources and your profits, and they suck all of the joy out of what you do. But how do you go about landing better ones?
Better clients are key to a better business, so let's take a look at simple ways to attract higher value clients who appreciate you and pay you what you’re worth.
#1 - Get Clear on Your Ideal Client
Knowing exactly what you want in a client is half the battle. Once you get clear on what you're looking for, it will be much easier to find it.
If you currently have clients you love working with, use them as a model for your ideal client avatar. You can also use your bad clients to define exactly what you don't want. A red flag list can be very useful.
Some things to consider are:
● Attitude
● Niche
● Communication skills
● Purchasing power
● Business size
● Goals
Defining your ideal client will help you to get your message and offer right, so take your time with this step and really do your research.
#2 - Find Out Where Your Ideal Clients Hang Out
It's important to find out where your ideal clients hang out so that you can connect with them. Do they favour Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook? Which topics are they talking about? Which hashtags do they use? What time of day do they post? Do they have their own groups that you can join? You need to get clear on these questions so that you know which channels to focus on.
#3 - Connect with Your Ideal Clients
Once you know where your ideal clients hang out, it's time to create a presence for yourself there. Try joining some groups or following some influencers in that channel. A great way of connecting is by responding positively to other people's content and joining in on conversations.
Remember, business is all about building relationships so it's important to connect authentically. If you're just starting out, don't feel like it has to be all about selling yourself or your services right away.
#4 - Deliver Valuable Content
Once you've got yourself a presence on the right channels, it's time to start delivering value.
Your ideal clients aren't going to want anything from you if they don't know who you are or what your business is about yet. If all that exists of your business online is a website full of button-to-buy pages, it can be hard to attract high-quality clients.
So how do you deliver value? Think about the questions your ideal client might have and start answering them on social media, in groups and through blog posts or videos. Free resources such as ebooks or webinars are especially valuable and position you as an authority in your niche.
You need to help people before they're ready to give you anything back so that when they are looking for a product or service, they think of you.
#5 - Start Conversations
Each piece of content you create should be designed to spark conversations with prospective clients. However, you don't have to go in for the hard sell straight away. Focus on finding more about their particular needs and how you can help them. This will help to build rapport and trust. Then, you can begin nurturing your prospects along your customer journey so that they become paying clients.
In order to attract higher quality clients, it’s important to find out who your ideal client is and what they need. This will enable you to target them directly with your marketing and create a predictable flow of high quality leads, which in turn gives you far greater control over who you work with. You didn’t start your own business to work with bad clients who cause you nothing but stress and anxiety, so take control of your leads and use the above steps to attract better clients and create a more lucrative business.